Duwamish Revealed.
Directed by Rachel Green.
August 2015.


Official SIGNAL Trailer (Film)
Written, Directed, Performed & Edited by Rachel Green
Composition by Daniel Salo
Cinematography by Joscelyn Tarbox

SIGNAL. Duwamish Revealed. Photo: Joscelyn Tarbox

SIGNAL. Duwamish Revealed. Photo: Joscelyn Tarbox

Official SIGNAL Trailer (Live Performance)
Written, Concept, Direction, Edited
by Rachel Green.
Composed by Daniel Salo.
Cinematography by Joscelyn Tarbox, additional footage by Reed O'Beirne.


Written / Concept / Direction: Rachel Green
Co-Producers: Rachel Green and Daniel Salo
Performers: Chantael Duke, Belle Wolf, Emma Sargeant, Rachel Green
Costumes: Anna Telcs and Anna Conn
Music: Daniel Salo
Choreography: Rachel Green
Video Director/Editor: Rachel Green
Cinematography: Joscelyn Tarbox
Lighting Design: Mercedes Aristotle Lindholm
Production Assistant:
Jenn Govola and Richard O’Leary
Joscelyn Tarbox and Bruce Clayton Tom
Carpentery: David Nelson
Print and Design: Andrew Crashaw/Broken Press
Supported by Duwamish Revealed.


Signal is a site–specific dance, music, and theatre performance created during a month long residency in the warehouse space at Herring’s House Park.

The piece is a reflection on the passage of time, loss, and the eventual transformation that can result from loss. Although the piece alludes to death, both physical and psychological, the suggestion is made in a “soft light:” death as a force of power and strength. The performance focuses on emergence as well as loss, and is an “homage” to nature, strength, and adaptability.

Signal is a performance and ceremony that beckons us to return home to purity from a place of destruction and strife, but also to discover that home is not the same as when we left it. Using the Duwamish River as inspiration, Signal explores these ideas through installation, video and dance. Finally, I am fascinated by the concept of time, in both the eternal and ancient sense, as well as the present one, as it is reflected by the constantly changing elements on our surface, like dirt, grass and skin – the things that remind us that we are connected to the past and the present at the same time.
